National Workshop on E-Waste Data Validation and Introduction to Compilation of Climate Change Statistics (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

Date: 13th May 2019 - 15th May 2019
Facilitators: Vanessa Forti
Tags: United Republic of Tanzania


The objective of this workshop was to aid in the development of e- waste and climate change-related and SDG statistics in Tanzania. The workshop provided a country case study on the development of national official statistics for e- waste and climate change reporting and monitoring.


The workshop focused on: • Data availability and access, conversions to comply with the format of e-waste tool, classification, data validation, Populating the e- waste tool with the national data, generation of e waste statistics, challenges and recommendations. • Use of Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) in compilation of climate change statistics, linking climate change statistics with the national, regional and global development frameworks. • Identification of climate change indicators, Data availability and access, challenges and recommendations and climate change process, climate change evidence, climate change impacts and vulnerability and mitigation and adaption. • The link between, water extent (SDG 6.6.1) and land degradation (SDG 15.3.1) to climate change as the two indicators are prominent in the cycle of the drivers, pressure, state, impacts and responses in climate change.
